Destin Demographics

Destin Demographics

Are you interested in living in Destin? There are many pros and cons to living in Destin. Below is the general information on the demographics of Destin, Florida.

Population, Race, and Ethnicity

With a population 13,469, Destin is a city located in Okaloosa County. The most recent U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 85% of the population identify themselves as white, 2% as Black or African American, 0.3% as American Indian or Alaska Native, 1.8% as Asian, 0% as Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, 9.3% as Hispanic or Latino, and 1.6% as some other race or combination of races.

Nationally, 61.1% of people identify themselves as white. 12.3% are Black or African American. 0.7% are American Indians or Alaska Native. 5.4% are Asian. 0.2% is Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. 17.8% are Hispanic or Latino. 2.6% identify themselves as any other race or combination.

Ancestry in Destin

Respondents to the census are also asked to report their ancestry. The most common ancestries reported in Destin are English, American, German, and Italian. Based on the location quotient, which compares the city share to that of the nation, the most concentrated ancestries in the city are the Alsatian, Bulgarian and British West Indian.

Both native and foreign-born people

A total of 89.7% of Destin residents are considered native-born. This means that they were either born in the United States, Puerto Rico or on an American Island. 3.65% of the 10.30% foreign-born population have been naturalized U.S. citizens. Nationally, 86.5% are native-born. Of the 13.5% Americans who are not native-born, 48.5% are naturalized U.S citizens.

Average Age in Destin

Destin’s population is older than the average of the United States. The median age in Destin is 41.8 years old. This is 3.9 years higher than the national average age of 37.9 years. The 65-year-old population makes up 17.4%, whereas nationally, it is 15.2% of the U.S. populace.

Composition of the family and household

The composition of families and households varies greatly across the United States. Destin has 48.3% married-couple households, which is higher than the national 48.3%. A little over 3.3% of households are occupied solely by male householders. Single female householders make up 7.3%, while non-family occupants make up 41.1%. Nationwide, 4.9% households are occupied solely by male householders, 12.6% single female householders and 34.3% non-family occupants. National homeownership rates of 63.8% and 66.5% respectively are comparable.

Language spoken

English is the most widely spoken language in Florida, and the United States as a whole. Similar to Destin, 94.3% local residents over 5 speak English only or very well if they speak another language. For reference, 88.1% of Florida’s 5 and older population speak English only or speak it very well. 91.5% nationwide can do the same.

marital status

Marital status

Destin residents are more likely to get married than the average American. 51% of Destin’s residents 15 and older are married. This is compared to 48.1% in the United States for the same age group. Across Florida as a whole, 46.3% of residents 15 and older are married.

Destin is home to more divorces than the rest of the United States. According to Census estimates 12.9% of Florida’s residents aged 15 or older are divorcing — 10.8% of the U.S. population is the same age. One third of Florida’s 15- and over population are divorced.

A little over 29.1% of Destin residents aged 15 or older have never married. This compares to just one-third of Americans that are the same age.


16.2% of Destin’s 18 and over civilian population are veterans, compared with 7.5% nationwide and 8.9% in Florida.

Education in Destin

Adults in Destin are more likely than Americans to have completed high school. They also have higher odds of completing a four-year college education. 94.9% of Destin residents are 25 or older and 40.6% have a bachelor’s degree or above. This compares to 87.7% & 31.5% nationwide. In Florida, 88% have completed high school and 29.2 have a Bachelor’s degree.


Destin’s average household earns $75,486 per year. This is $15,200 more than the national median income of $60,293 or $22,200 more over the state median household income of $53,267.


Destin is far less likely to experience serious financial hardship than the national average. The local poverty rate is 8.3% while the national poverty rate sits at 14.1%. 14.8% of the entire state’s population lives below the poverty level.

If you are looking to move to Destin, Fl or if you have a home to sell, 1 Percent Lists can help. We are experienced Destin Realtors. We help save our client thousands when listing their home for sale.